Be a Maverick

Each school year is launched by Head of School, Dr. Brett Jacobsen, at Convocation. The entire school gathers together in the gym to celebrate togetherness, worship, and be inspired by a call to action. This year,  Dr. Jacobsen challenged students to be mavericks. Mavericks are those who step up, stand out, and face their giants. He made connections to the story of David and Goliath. David, clearly a Maverick, inspires us all to make an impact for God and others in our lives.

This year as Mount Vernon’s 2012-2017 strategic plan comes to a conclusion, the School is actively engaging members of the MVPS community as a way to gather feedback about the future. We invite you to peer in to the possibilities and promise of Mount Vernon with a new set of lenses. In these pre-recorded remarks, Dr. Jacobsen shares a similar message and asks the community to “zoom out” from a strategic standpoint to explain why Mount Vernon stands out, what could keep the School from standing out, and how MVPS might stand out in the future.

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